God’s word invites us to seek out the hungry, thirsty, homeless, and hurting and to show them love through acts of service. Please join us as, together, we find a variety of ways to connect your head, heart, and hands in service to our community, our city, and the world.


  • Annual Volunteer at Trinity Table where we provide a hot meal and lunch takeaways

  • Annual Habitat for Humanity Builds

  • Holiday Angel Tree support for Hope Hill Elementary, Stewart Center and Project Transformation

  • Annual summer support of Project Transformation

  • Annual Atlanta Community Food Bank Hunger Run

Atlanta Habitat for Humanity

Come SERVE with us at Atlanta Habitat on March 8 from 7:30am - 3:30pm.  We can bring a max of 10 volunteers and lunch will be provided.
Please sign up HERE. Final details will be provided the week prior.

Intown Cares

Come SERVE with us on March 15 from 9am - 1pm at Intown Community Food Bank.  We need 12 volunteers to help serve.  You can find the sign up HERE.  Be sure to sign up on the google and with Intown Cares using the link in the google doc. 

Please reach out to OFFICE with any questions. 

Trinity Table

Help us support Trinity Table on February 23rd!

Trinity Table provides hot meals and to-go meals to Atlantans experiencing hunger, and the need is great. This year we will be providing meals for 250 people! There are many ways to get involved: 

  1. Donate food items for to-go bags to IPUMC by Sunday 2/16

  2. Help assemble the to-go bags on Monday 2/17 at 3pm 

  3. Volunteer to help in person at Trinity Table on 2/23 where you will help serve hot meals from the on-site food truck and distribute to-go bags

Sign up here to help with To-Go Bags (Amazon Wishlist here)
Sign up here to volunteer in person at Trinity Table on 2/23

Please reach out to OFFICE with any questions.