Differently Abled (Disabilities) & Accessibility at Inman Park Church
At Inman Park, we strive to make a safe, affirming, and welcoming place for all. There are two handicap-accessible spots marked in the parking lot. Located at our center door is a ramp for any that may find stairs hard to travel safely. There is a wheelchair-accessible restroom on the main level. Large print hymnals, bibles, and bulletins are available. All services are live-streamed with closed captioning in English.
Feel free to request assistance from any staff member or ushers as we are all here to help and are blessed by your presence!
The Disability Ministries Committee of the United Methodist Church is a ministry partner with the General Commission on Religion and Race. “Our mission is to lead the denomination in creating a culture where people with disabilities are fully included in all aspects of worship, leadership, ministry and mission through advocacy, education and empowerment.”