April 23, 2023 Worship


I got snookered. I thought the show would be a comedy. Now, unlike when I thought that The Bear would be a comedy because well it says that it is a comedy, but is very clearly not funny, this time I went with my gut. My gut was wrong. I watched the first episode of Tiny Beautiful Things and at the end the voice over was so beautiful that I found myself wiping away tears. Same thing happened at the end of each episode. I didn't like the dysfunction of the show, but those last 3 minutes where she was working on putting her life back together through writing were brutal and beautiful. So, let's talk about some of these voice-overs, those tiny beautiful questions... talk about eternal thanksgiving, what our lives could have been like, when the impossible comes true.

This Sunday, Pastor Tara will talk about the Road to Emmaus and how even those that loved Jesus didn't recognize him in his resurrected state, at least not at first. But then the impossible became possible. Come join us at 11am online or in person.


IPUMC Weekly Newsletter - April 26, 2023


IPUMC Weekly Newsletter - April 19, 2023