Here at Inman Park UMC, we believe in creating a faithful Christian community! Our Children and Youth Ministries have something to offer all our school aged children. We are continually changing and creating new programming for our families and children on a regular basis. 
What’s important to us is that you know you are loved here! We create ways to CONNECT, GROW, and SERVE. 
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GROW with us.

Come meet the other kids at IPUMC! We do a biblical lesson and try to work in crafts, too. GROW groups are brief lessons which teach kiddos about God, Jesus, and the ways our behavior makes for a better world for all.

Children’s GROW meets during our worship time on Sunday mornings at 11am. There is also a nursery available during worship hour.



Our kids, grades K-6, meet the first Friday of every month at the church from 5:30-7:30. For more details, you can contact our Children’s Coordinator Michele.


Family Movie Night

Family Movie Night May 17 from 5:45-7:15pm. Pizza will be served at 5:45pm and the movie - Lilo & Stitch - will start at 6pm. All kids must be accompanied by an adult.


The youth, grades 6-12, meet the first Sunday of every month from 12-2pm at the church. For more details, you can contact our Children’s Coordinator Michele.


Children’s Choir

Our Children’s Choir will be performing in worship on June 23. The next rehearsals will be May 5, and June 2 after worship.